The A-Team

Student to Student Tutoring

Get connected with the highest GPA students in your major

Impress professionals with your custom-made student business card. Stand out at networking events

Student Business Cards

Achieve your academic goals and transform your gpa with our academic themed events

Academic and Personal Success

We Soar, When You Soar

About us

If you're looking to make a true change in your GPA, choose the A-Team; the only student-run tutoring network at Lincoln University. Our campus is full of bright students who have the tools to help you succeed. The A-Team connects you to students who can solve your academic problems through tutoring. Click the button below to get connected with the sharpest students in your major. Change your academic future today!

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Tutoring Services Offered

Empowering students through personalized tutoring to enhance grades and boost GPA effectively.

The location and time of your tutoring session is up to you and your tutor! If you are only free during mornings, you can coordinate with your tutor around your schedule.

1 on 1 Tutoring

Receive tailored, 1 on 1 academic assistance to help you excel in your studies and achieve your goals. You have the full attention of your tutor

Any Time Any Place